"The trade of advertising is now so near to perfection, it is not easy to propose any improvements".
- Samuel Johnson (1759).

Friday, September 24, 2010

Facebook video assignment

I just realised that I had not yet put my video assignment on my blog. This is my very first attempt at making a video. I had no idea how to make a video but thought it was definately worth learning!

This video is on "How marketer's can use Facebook to create customer value". It focuses on Facebook ad's and Facebook pages. This video was made by Pat and myself.
Here it is,

$1 Big Mac's, $2 Mc Flurry's & free Ice cream cones!!

So most of you have probably heard about the pickle club by now. For those of you who haven't, i shall explain it.

It was about 2 and a half weeks ago that i first heard about Pickle club. Pickle club is a Facebook page used to promote the new Mc Donald's store that has just opened up in Malvern East (right near uni). Fans like the page to receive amazing daily deals such as; $1 Big Macs, $1 Quarter pounders, 50 cent cheeseburgers, $2 Mc Flurry's etc. They also offered fans free ice cream cones when Pickle club received 1700 "likes".

When i first heard about this I thought "that sounds too good to be true, it can't be real". So that night I went and tried it out, and bought a $1 Big Mac, it worked!! The very next day the power at my house got turned off for 8 hours, so there was no meat for me to cook. It was late, so i checked Pickle Club and went and bought $1 Quarter pounders for dinner. I told friends about the pickle club, they later joined it. The next day they asked my husband and I to go get $2 Mc Flurry's with them, we said yes.

For the next few days I kept thinking, Why is Mc Donald's doing this?  They are selling their products at heavily discounted prices, this can't be sustainable, what is in it for them? It was my husband who answered my question when he said "Wow they're really clever using this whole pickle club thing". I still didn't understand. He went on to explain that although we live in Caulfield, and Malvern East is our closest Mc Donald's, we had never been there until pickle club.  He also added the fact that although we bought a discounted Big Mac, we then payed full price for chips and a drink. Furthermore, we went to Mc Donald's 3 nights in a row, when we would usually go about once every 2 months. I then understood it all perfectly.

Pickle club is an amazing tool to encourage consumers to visit the new Mc Donald's store and to generate store traffic. Furthermore, its target market is Uni students, as it is very close to Uni. Thus, what better way to reach Uni students than through Facebook and cheap food. Not only does this encourage Uni students to visit this store, but to do so regularly. In addition, it encourages consumers to try food they wouldn't otherwise purchase (e.g. I had never eaten a quarter pounder, until it was the pickle club daily offer).

For those of you who aren't already part of Pickle club, i highly recommend you join. I love Pickle club, but i do have to learn to place a limit on it, Mc Donald's 3 days in a row was just too much!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

“Would you give away your coat?”

So I was doing some research for an assignment for another subject and stumbled upon this and thought it was pretty cool. It is an advertising campaign for a charity called Ong gente Brasil (people Brazil).

Take a look

I think this is a very effective campaign as; we live in and are accustomed to a world filled with technology. Thus the most effective way to break through the advertising clutter and appeal to a large number of people is through electronic means. Even then, it is still difficult to break through the clutter as many advertisers now use electronic methods.

Thus this campaign took to street advertising which always generates high interest among by passers. However, rather than using real homeless people to just stand on the streets shivering, they used virtual homeless people. I think the virtual element added substantially to the success of the campaign as it was more attention grabbing. In addition, it also let the audience know that this was an advertising campaign as opposed to random homeless people asking for coats (which I don’t think would have worked too well, because lets be honest, how many homeless people have you given your coat too?) This allowed Ong gente Brasil to get their message across. Another reason I think this campaign is so effective, is the fact that it involved the audience (encouraging people to donate their coats).

I know a vast majority of not-for-profit organisations are already using electronic marketing, but I think it is necessary for all not-for-profit organisations to use electronic marketing methods if they want to reach a large amount of donors, particularly if they want to target younger donors.