"The trade of advertising is now so near to perfection, it is not easy to propose any improvements".
- Samuel Johnson (1759).

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Election Media blackout? I think not!

As the election draws near, election advertising is subject to a three day “black out”.

Under schedule 2 of the Broadcasting Service Act 1992, election advertising in the electronic media is subject to a ‘blackout’ from midnight on the Wednesday before the polling day to the end of polling on the Saturday.

Basically this means, political parties and candidates are unable to purchase television or radio time. This is to enable Australian citizens some time to think without being bombarded by political advertising, as to whom they will vote for.

However, politicians are sneaky and have found a way around the ban! Although the act states a ban on election advertising in the electronic media, it only prevents advertising through TV and radio. Thus Politicians are making use of social networking sites such as Youtube, facebook, twitter and blogs. Currently, if you go on to Youtube, you will be bombarded with two giant liberal party advertisements.

The term Electronic marketing has grown substantially in recent years. Consequently, I think the legislation should be updated to include a ‘blackout’ on advertising through social networking sites. I’m not saying they should have to close down their facebook pages and twitter accounts; I’m saying, they should not be allowed to use these sights to show big advertisements, such as the one on the Youtube home page. Otherwise, what is the point of this media blackout, if the advertisements are still able to reach a large proportion of the Australian nation?

What do you think?


  1. What's the point of the blackout, anyway? Maybe they should just allow advertising anywhere right up to the election? Amazing how our laws don't keep up with technological change.

  2. Im surprised they haven't updated the law seeing electronic marketing e.g advertisements on Youtube etc have been popular for some years now. The fact that the law hasn't been updated makes the whole black out thing a waste of time.

    However, i wish they would update the law as i am so sick of seeing their advertising EVERYWHERE! I wouldnt mind so much, except their advertising is horrible. All the advertisements do is bag out their opposition and thereby give them free advertising. I personally would have liked to see more advertisements stating what their party is going to do, not what the opposition wont do.

  3. I agree - no advertising means or should mean precisely that. They are making mockery of the law - and they expect us to believe if they are elected they will adhere to laws?? hypocrites!

  4. I dont so much think that they are not obeying the law, there is just a very big loop hole in the very outdated law. This law should be fixed asap. However, anonymous you do raise a good point, whos to say that if they are elected they wont try to find ways around doing things legitimately.
