"The trade of advertising is now so near to perfection, it is not easy to propose any improvements".
- Samuel Johnson (1759).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Everyone loves a bit of toilet humour!

These clips are absolutely hilarious!!! The only way i know about them is from my Dad. Someone emailed him the link, he thought it was funny and passed it on to me, and now here i am passing it on to you. I believe this is called viral marketing. Viral marketings success really does rely on the use of e-marketing mediums such as youtube, email, blogs, faebook etc.

Anyway hope you enjoy the clips! Please share the links for any funny clips you have.


  1. Nice!!!
    I can't find the link yet but am so in love the show named: Just For Laugh gas asia"....I just wanna poke their face if i got rinsed like that...lol
    Have u ever heard of it so far u could share w us !

  2. Hey Spike,
    I havent heard of the show "Just for laugh gas asia" but it sounds funny.
    So did you want the link to the video posted here? or were you looking for a different link? coz this is the only one i have lol.

  3. That's pretty funny - I would be so annoyed if someone did that to me. Do you think we could run a similar show in Australia? I doubt it. The attempts so far have been pretty crap. Remember that one the Matt from the Matt & Jo show did? That was pathetic.

  4. Really? Matt tried to do a show? I never heard about it. Do you remember what it was called?
    I dont think you could get away with doing something like that here i mean surely that would be breaching some sort of privacy laws. Someone would probably end up taking the show to court.
